This past week in my classes we have been exploring a breathing technique called kumbhaka, which is simply the practice of noticing and gently expanding the natural pause between your inhalations and exhalations. Developing this practice slowly we can enjoy moments of spaciousness where the body-mind becomes more still and clear. For me it feels like time stands still, just for a brief moment.

Yoga teaches us the energy of mindfulness by inviting us to stay with the physical sensations of our inhale, our exhale and the moments we are empty of breath. As we expand our knowledge, yoga also offers us practical tools to regulate our breathing which in turn regulates our nervous system, so we can manage our stress and energy. Breathing consciously is one of the fundamental aspects of yoga and one of the reasons this practice has the power to be so transformational.

One quote…

There is no urgency. Summer does not rush towards autumn. One tiny blade of grass is not trying to grow faster than its neighbour.

The teaching is simple: Slow down friend. Breathe. In. Out. In. Out.

Jeff Foster

One question…

Where in your life are you rushing? Where are the in-between moments that could do with some attention?

Sent with love,

Melissa x

Melissa Hudson