Anyone else experiencing highs and lows over lockdown? Days and weeks of frustration open up into stretches where I seem to find my groove. Steering me in either direction are small, in-the-moment decisions. Setting my alarm to wake up before the kids to meditate, no matter how tempting it is to sleep through. Consuming less news and reading more books. Putting down my phone so I have more time to dance in the kitchen. Small adjustments that accumulate over time to reveal themselves as absolute game-changers.

The rollercoaster of iso-emotions has reminded me how inevitable and how human it is that these highs and lows roll around time after time. We can’t be ‘up’ all the time but I hope the quote and question below help you navigate out of a current or future rut.

If you are interested in how our habits play a part in shaping our mindset, I highly recommend Atomic Habits by James Clear. One of the most helpful books I have read this year brimming with practical tips to keep those good decisions happening (most of the time!).

One quote…

We expend a lot of effort to improve the external conditions of our lives, but in the end it is always the mind that creates the experience of the world and translates it into well-being or suffering. If we transform our way of perceiving things, we transform the quality of our lives.

The Art of Meditation, Matthieu Ricard

One question…

Which of my current habits are contributing to a positive frame of mind and which are doing me more harm than good?

Sent with love,

Melissa x

Melissa Hudson