I got the chance to see Ben Crowe speak in person a few weeks back. He has heaps of great stuff to share about the power of your mindset and I’ve been putting one of his tips in action recently with great success. It’s ridiculously simple but I wanted share it with you because it’s really been helping me access gratitude in moments when I’m feeling anything but.
Here it is: every time I feel resistance building inside me for something I “have” to do (can’t be bothered, not enough time, too tired) I’ve been saying a simple mantra to myself which instantly pulls me into line. I “get” to do this. This brings swiftly into focus all the epic privileges and opportunities I enjoy each and every day. It’s simple but effective. Try it and let me know how you go!
One quote…
We expend a lot of effort to improve the external conditions of our lives, but in the end it is always the mind that creates our experience of the world and translates it into well-being or suffering. If we transform our way of perceiving things, we transform the quality of our lives.
Matthieu Ricard
One question…
What’s the most helpful thing you could say to yourself in moments of resistance to create a more positive mindset?
Sent with love,
Melissa x