This last lockdown in Melbourne was interesting. I sensed in myself and the people around me a shift; a realisation that this is how life is now. Despite all our sacrifices to date, lockdowns and all the associated uncertainty, anguish and disruption are far from over.
The world has shifted in a way we never could have anticipated. So how do we adapt to what is happening now? By doing our best to let go of how we imagined things should have worked out (so hard to do) and by stepping back and reevaluating our expectations (of ourselves and others) we are able to bring more acceptance and compassion to each moment and get through this collective challenge together.
One quote…
What is happening is the equivalent of telling a AFL team, ok guys, we are going to play you on a piece of ice, we are going to take away the grass field and put you on an ice skating rink and expect you play exactly the same. And we can’t do that. The dedication, the drive, the focus, all that can remain. But we have to be aware that we have moved from playing on a grass field to an ice rink and can’t expect the same level of performance.
Shelley Lasset
One question…
Where are you holding yourself or others to an unrealistic standard?
Sent with love,
Melissa x