One of the reasons a yoga practice is so powerful is because it gives us a chance to land back in the moment. During our day to day, the thinking mind seems to be always just a little bit ahead or a little bit behind – not quite grounded in the here and now. Our body on the other hand, is always in the present moment. It is beating, breathing and feeling in total nowness.

If the feeling body and the thinking mind are operating in different time zones, we miss out on the vividness of life and might even experience a sense of disconnection within ourselves. How beautiful to have a practice that gently invites the mind to relax into the moment so we can experience that sweet and simple truth that all spiritual wisdom points to: all we have is now.

One quote…

If we miss the present moment, we miss our appointment with life.

Thich Nhat Hahn

One question…

Close your eyes, take a deep breath. What do you notice?

Sent with love,

Melissa x

Melissa Hudson