In terms of our own bodies, we often overlook what’s going well for us and focus on or obsess over those things that we see as problems to be fixed. Too much (or not enough) somehow.

When frustrated or feeling into lack, it is nice to take a moment to appreciate all the aspects of the body that are working for us, even without any conscious effort on our part. Our lungs breathing. Our heart pumping. Our arms that reach and the legs that carry us. Gratitude for our ability to do what we can do in our bodies, even if it changes over time.

Close your eyes and take a moment to appreciate your aliveness. If unwell, we can appreciate the love and care we are receiving from others. Sometimes, we all just need a gentle reminder to appreciate what is going right, especially when we are taking it as given.

If you still need a kick in the proverbial, I highly recommend this upbeat interview with Paralympian Kurt Fearnley for a healthy dose of perspective.

One quote…

Isn’t it wonderful to be alive? You know, you can forget all about it. Then suddenly you remember, and think of all the things you can do. Here I am, I can walk around. I can talk. I can see things and remember things. I am alive. How wonderful.

Sophia Loren

One question…

What does ‘thank you’ feel like in your body today?

Sent with love,

Melissa x

Melissa Hudson