Our nervous system is the body’s most important and complex network, forming a loop of communication between the brain, spinal cord and body. Nerve cells speak to each other with a spark of electricity that lights up our inner circuitry in patterns, like a mental morse code.
Repetition hardwires neural pathways. With 100 billion neurons the brains possible connections are almost infinite, yet we are shaped by what we repeatedly notice, think and do. Over time our mind actually becomes a map of our experiences and choices.
With this understanding we can appreciate why changing our conditioning can be so incredibly challenging, but we can also take comfort in the fact it most certainly is possible.
One quote…
One of the great tragedies of our time, is that we significantly underestimate our capacity for change.
Matthieu Ricard
One question…
Is what you are emphasising working for you?
Sent with love,
Melissa x