The concept (and importance) of having a third space is attributed to urban sociologist Ray Oldenburg. While our first space is where we live and our second space is where we work or study, our third space is where we come together to be in community; our local playground, coffee shop or yoga studio.
We are all no doubt increasingly aware of how loneliness can negatively impact physical and mental health in the wake of ongoing lockdowns. As the spaces we are used to inhabiting collectively remain closed, we must find other ways to connect. Our third space is where we feel welcome, safe and able to be ourselves which gives rise to invaluable connection, creativity and collaboration, which are freedoms we all deserve.
One quote…
Cultures and climates differ all over the world, but people are the same. They’ll gather in public if you give them a good place to do it.
Jan Gehl
One question…
How can you create a “third space'“ for yourself and others this week?
Sent with love,
Melissa x