With yoga (like most things) the more I learn, the more I realise how much I don’t know. Yoga is a rich and complex tradition and there is an overwhelming amount of information available to those keen to learn more about it.

I find it helpful to keep returning to the most foundational principles of yoga that become a lens with which we can view the world. One of these key ideas is that everything we need is already present within ourselves and the main task of our yoga practice should be to remove obstructions that impede the natural functioning our our bodies and minds. This sounds simple enough but it is a totally different take on the how we tend to see our problems (that we are lacking somehow). By clearing away the blockages that cause us difficulty and disease, we create the space for the good we already have within us to flow.

One quote…

Yoga therapy is about 90% waste removal.

T.K.V Desikachar

One question…

When next considering your physical, mental or emotional health, what needs to be cleared away rather than added?

Sent with love,

Melissa x

Melissa Hudson